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CV + Experience

Education (O Levels)

English Literature grade A
Art grade A
Woodwork grade B
Mathematics grade B
Technical Drawing grade B
English Language grade C
Religious Studies grade C
Social Studies grade C
History grade C


Swindon School of Art and Design qualified with a BTEC National Diploma in Graphic Design (with merits).


Berkshire College of Art and Design qualified with a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design (with merits).


6 weeks work experience at TBWA Advertising Agency in Covent Garden.

Work Experience


Graphic Designer, Splash Products Plc.
I designed and produced art work for silk screen printing by hand with acetates and Letrafilm.


Graphic Designer, Goodhead Publishing.
I designed and produced advertising artwork by hand using a PMT (Photo Mechanical Transfer) camera. The publications all had a weekly deadline.


Graphic Designer, Complete Communications,
Senior Designer, Complete Communications,
Creative Head, Complete Communications.

I started as a Junior Designer and after 4 years was promoted to Creative Head with a small team of a copywriter and Junior Designer. This job involved managing external artwork, illustration, photography and retouching. We had a monthly deadline to produce a promotional marketing pack. I also art directed a fair bit of photography.


Senior Designer, Almond Cornish Frewin Shirley.
Worked with another designer producing all the design work. I was offered a job by another design company which is why I moved on after a year.


Senior Designer/Studio Manager, Hargreaves Design Associates.
I managed a small team of two designers while working here. I also had responsibility for managing all work along side handling my own design projects and supporting the other designers.


Senior Designer, The Idea Works.
I tended to work collaboratively in small teams of 3 or 4 and also handled solo projects. My time here was spent stretching my creative and conceptual design muscles.

1998 – 2008

Senior Designer, Design Group International
I worked in a small team consisting of myself an account manager and art worker. The company was split into 3 teams and I helped out on other team projects when needed. I taught myself HTML and CSS in my spare time and used WordPress as a CMS to build websites for clients.

2008 – present

Senior Designer, Breathe Creative
I am responsible for designing and art working nearly all design projects in this small studio. The studio consists of the Managing Director and myself. For around 3 years I also mentored a junior. Work has been varied and my web design and build experience has been very well utilised.lot.

Additional Experience

In my own time I have also attended five D&AD advertising concept workshops held by London agencies.


Books, films, music, photography, writing, drawing, taking creative courses on Domestika and playing guitar.


I have written articles on Medium these can be found here:

I have an interest in photography, my photos can be viewed here:

Here’s my online Pinterest:

My LinkedIn profile can be viewed here:

I have also taken several Domestika courses my profile can be viewed here:

My application expertise includes:

Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. I also use WordPress as a CMS (hand coding and creating custom themes using HTML, CSS and some PHP). I have also started using Adobe Premiere and Microsoft Powerpoint to add to my skillset.